Treasure Island

Treasure Island is located between Madeira Beach and South Pasadena. Mid-island you'll find a very wide beach, gulf-front motels and hotels, a bustling commercial district, and the Treasure Island Beach Trail. Your home on Treasure Island will most likely be at either end of the island, in areas known as Sunshine Beach and Sunset Beach. Treasure Island’s layout allows these residential areas to feel like private beaches.

Treasure Island
Pinellas County
St Petersburg
Downtown Tampa Activity
Treasure Island

Treasure Island was inhabited by small communities of Tocobaga from around 300 CE to the arrival of Pánfilo de Narváez in 1528. Treasure Island got its name through brilliant real estate marketing. Around 1915, several property owners got together and pretended to find treasure buried on the beach. After "finding" two treasure chests, they loaded them on the back of a truck, and rode through the streets celebrating their new riches. Word of their discovery spread, and the island became Treasure Island.